Sex selection: a global issue

A meeting organised by Human Genetics Alert, and The Cornerhouse

In India millions of female foetuses are being aborted, seriously disrupting the balance of the sexes in some regions. In Britain a vociferous lobby is arguing for the ‘right’ to choose our children’s sex. What to do these developments mean for gender justice and for the future of our societies? Is sex selection the opening to a new ‘designer baby’ eugenics?

This meeting will be a rare chance to hear about the struggle against sex selection in India first hand, from one of the leading campainers, Sabu George, from the Centre for Women’s Development Studies, New Delhi . Philosopher Paula Boddington will describe the current issues in Britain , and look at the links between policy in India and the UK . The meeting will be of vital interest to anyone concerned with women’s rights, development issues and the reproductive technology debate in the UK .

Venue: Room 12, Friends House, 173 Euston Rd. , London NW1 (opposite Euston Station)

Time: 6.30 pm , July 7th 2005

If you plan to attend, or for more information, please e-mail or call 020 7704 6100.